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About us
Exceptional is the rule.

This is not about us.
This is about you.


Sure, we could be poetic here about the 'human-centric' approach to marketing. Or muse about the harmonious 'in-tune-ism' with the deepest wishes, wants and desires of today's consumers; preaching about how our people are modern-day marketing messiahs, meticulously-groomed to deliver more-with-less through proprietary processes at breakneck speeds…but self-indulgent, superficial prose about 'who we are' doesn't exactly sell widgets. And let's be honest, that's all YOU care about, right? So instead of painting a pretty picture of what's behind the boardroom doors at CMM, we'll take a more pragmatic approach here and just cut to the chase.

We want your $$$

Specifically, we want you to make more of it, so we make more from you. Because that's the funny thing about advertising. IT PAYS TO BUY.


That's why we make it stupidly easy for you to do just that. If there's one thing we've learned in the past 20 years, it's this.


Good things come to those with guts

Whether it's a stop-them-in-their tracks print ad, cut-through TV commercial, new business branding package or full production Live-Streaming event, our full-service marketing agency delivers the plucky stuff you need to make your competition nervous.

Take a break from tradition

After 20 years of ignoring the norm, we've discovered we work best with rogues, cavaliers, rebels and rule-breakers. In other words, highly motivated businesses who recognise that opportunity often do the opposite of what everyone else is doing; not blending in, not playing it safe, not waiting until next year.  


Are you ready to rock the boat?

Ready to strike?
We are. There's literally no downside to this.

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