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VAJ Byrne & Co. Lawyers

VAJ Byrne & Co. Lawyers has a lot to celebrate! 

90+ years in business is no small feat, and in 2021 the law firm decided to expand services into the Wide Bay (WB) region, opening a second office in Bundaberg.  While VAJ Byrne & Co. Lawyers (VAJ) is well-known and respected in Central Queensland (CQ), and the challenge was always going to be around gaining the same approval in a new market. 

Social media marketing has always been a contentious strategy for law firms.  Advertising a legal service remains complex and somewhat taboo, given the difficulties around finding a balance between being entertaining and staying professional.  But, times have changed, and as a progressive law firm, VAJ understands that the adoption of trendy and topical conversations doesn't have to mean a superficial and weakened business core identity.

CMM was tasked with managing VAJ's entire marketing budget.  TV and radio advertising was familiar to the firm, and being able to reinforce messages with social and digital media marketing made perfect sense.  CMM generates engagement through platforms like Facebook, Instagram and Google through a delicate play of both informative and emotional content, which aims to portray the intellectual and human side of the law firm. 


Building on its existing reputation of being genuine, trustworthy and knowledgeable gained through years of mainstream advertising, VAJ now enjoys a steady stream of new client leads and referrals from their

online presence too.

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